Temple Baptist Church, Lincoln, Nebraska
The builders have been working hard at Temple Baptist Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. This project is a full building remodel with a complex staircase and elevator to help streamline the flow of traffic in their building. This building was built and added onto until it created a maze of hallways and staircases. This maze has created difficulties as the church tries to grow and bring in new people as it is hard to tell people where to go and how to get there. Thankfully, with ChurchCare Construction’s help, the church will be able to have a main staircase and elevator that will reach all levels of their building! In addition, most of the building is getting a much needed facelift, some additional bathrooms, and handicap accessibility.

Other Projects
ChurchCare Construction has also been able to assist a BCP church plant in Plainfield, Wisconsin with replacing some windows in the church and coordinating a company to replace the lights in the sanctuary.